Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A litte bit of autumn felting

A quick burst of autumn and we've now come down with colds and an ear infection for the little one. Nonetheless the days are glorious here in Sydney - blue skies, sunshine and 25C degree days with cool nights. I've done a little felting though and here's a pic. It's a happy scarf for my aunt who lost her home in the Victorian bushfires. She and my uncle are both very resilient and already on to the task of rebuilding. A sad reason but a good one to go through all my old photos and find some to send to them so that they have something to remind them of past happy times. Speaking of scarves the Victorian Scarf Festival is on again for anyone who is interested.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Beginning

For the past 18 months since the birth of my baby girl, I have been an avid blog reader, devouring the words and images created by gorgeous (women mainly) who love, parent, make things, have good days, bad days, inspire each other and are inspired by the simple things that surround them. I've bought things on etsy, read books recommended by people, been blown away by beautiful images and really affected by the honesty and emotion in the words of people who are in many ways more real to me than some of those in my 'real' world. I've marvelled at the creativity in living and making. The handmade work is often so breathtakingly beautiful I am in awe.

So now it is time for me to give a little and share some of my own creativity and thoughts and something of my day to day life with my divine little girl and my much-loved man. I work two days a week in arts research and I also have a fledgling business as a copywriter. I'm a felter (at least a very beginner one) who has many projects in her head which are starting to emerge as I carve out some space in my days. Textile design and crafting in all its forms is a great love.

Why Wood and Spoon? Wooden spoon popped into my head today as a simple, elegant, timeworn tool that you use to create and nourish over a lifetime. It is these qualities - simplicity, elegance, well worn, nourishment, creativity that I value and hope will be characteristics of my blog. We shall see she says with a more than a little trepidation and excitement!